AXPR Little Shop
- Don't you have control over what employees consume in the company store?
- Do staff forget what they took, leading to billing conflicts?
- Did an employee forget to order lunch and then there was no food?
The Taj Mahal Shop It is a system for integrating the company's culture with its employees.
It allows you to centralize and digitally transform your old notebook, but with much more style!
It is now possible to carry out a survey of what is most consumed, when it is most consumed (making it possible to provide better flow and better serve the internal public). Furthermore, employees receive notification of what they purchased and can better plan payment.
A very interesting advantage is also controlling the amount of lunches that are needed daily, allowing you to prepare the food in the right quantity, without wasting it. It is even possible to send notification of the number of lunches to a partner restaurant!
All this with information integrated with the company's internal systems, automatically pulling up the list of employees!